
Reality is sublime, whereas dreams are running on the silver blade.

現實是至高無上的 夢境僅是一線之隔

The Magic Spell
‘O is well, one is hell; botcat botcat will never fail.’


Trapped Body 大頭症

是妳需要爸爸 我不需要

↑但這個爸爸 我可以

阿嬤打人痛嗎? 不會痛~

老師說要依教分家 那就 知識份子你來 流氓交給我



audit shape of form
報告書是寫得有多好看 繳什麼紙本;

對我來說, 似乎我熱愛的事情就是把我自己推向做一些我不愛做的事,什麼病?這是什麼創作病毒?需...



詬病 Bingo

: watch your language young man
: I would


「螳螂捕蟬 麻雀在後」

:it looks cute in the Museum, it does not when it's on the road.(Mother Maria)
:'the right-hand man, the left-twitching eye'.
i will see you in the sex life.

You dont know Yeh, Debby Yu Ling!

: no, i don't.
: YOU DONT't KNOW WHO IS Debby, Yeh?!
: No, I don't.
: okay, I don't mean anything by that.
: zTi, I don't take nothing by that.(checked)
Am I gold? Am I gold?
Scapegoat Space ...

didn't get half of the questions

: that's a fact.

And that's my problem because?

I'm sorry you didn't make it through the course of life-long training, my old man;
what i need is a clever, smart, and wittily charming old man coze whatever i do, he never highlights my dumbness....


: why did he call me a dickhead?
: um. it's probably because you are too candid?

Now what

Now i can bubble the bubble, Can I plant an egg or what

Sauté pan

與其一天到晚抱怨別人好命 是不是早點投胎比較實際

真不敢相信 Grammarly居然在修正ChatGBT生成的文字

(Verse 1)
In dreams, we soar beyond the stars,
Reality bends, time's prison bars,
Through endless nights and fleeting days,
Unraveling minds in enigmatic ways.

Lost in memories, forever ent...