
Wallace & Gromit 英文說故事比賽創作

P: It was a bright and clear morning. Gromit was sorting the mail on the dinning table as usual, then reading the daily newspaper with a cup of coffee. The fragrance of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the house when the house started to vibrate with the rhythmic deep rumbling of dim snoring that came from upstairs. tik tok tik tok...

V: As Wallace finally woke up he pressed a button beside his bed and a loud irratating buzz ran around the house. “Porridge, Gromit. It’s Tuesday!” shouted Wallace. Then the bed tipped up. [geronimo! ah—aw]

P: Wallace fell perfectly into his brown woolen trousers, as he lifted up his arms a machine put him into a white shirt along with his green knitted pullover and his red tie and dropped him to the dinning table.

V: While he was still gasping, (Gromit pushed another button and) the breakfast canon soon fired porridge perfectly into the bowl right in front of Wallace at the table. Whilst Gromit put the newspaper in front of Wallace’s face, and pointed at the headline to Wallace. “The Great Annual Wigan Easter Egg Hunt…sounds interesting!”
“It sure does Wallace, this year they say there will be larger amounts of eggs at every corner of town!”.

P: Luckily, Wigan town had cooperated with the Cadbury Chocolate Company which have donated generously with delicious dairy milk chocolate eggs for the hunt. What’s even more special is that there’s a golden egg somewhere in the town up for grabs, and it has a marvelous grand prize inside!...
"Wow! wonder whats inside Grommit? "
"We cannot miss the chance Wallace"
"I hope its delicious cheese and crackers. Alright then lets get going. We have lot’s of work to do today"

J: So to capture that golden egg, they started to build another amazing invention, the one and only egg detector, working tiredlessly all day, only stopping for a quick bite of Wallace’s favourite snack “cheese and crackers”. By sunrise the detector was ready for action. It was a beautiful sunny morning as Wallace and Gromit joined the quest with all the citizens of Wigan town that they had only one goal: “To find the Golden Egg”.

P: Everyone searched high and low, in the trees, under the tables and even the rubbish bins! But by the end of a very grueling day no one had found it.
“Ahh thanks to our detector we haveat least found these useless chocolate eggs!” “Well thats ok we can give them to children, cheer up! Tommorow’s a new day, I’m sure we can find the golden egg!” “You’re right, let’s go home and have our delicious cheese and cracker!”

V: On their way home, there was a bunny secretly following them.

P: On that gloomy night while Wallace and Gromit were drifting off in bed dreaming of crackers and the golden egg, the Bunny drew closer to the window, his eyes locked straight onto the device which was in their kitchen and ready to pounce like a tiger into their home. In jumped the bunny making a quick and easy steal. On the way out the bunny smiled devilishly.

V: The next day, after Wallace and Gromit finished breakfast, they set out to keep searching for the golden egg, but they could't find their egg detector!
Oh My Gosh how could it be gone! I remember leaving it on the dinning table before bed, and why is there a carrot on the floor?
We may have been robbed by a Bunny last night. All bunnies love carrots.

P: When Gromit followed some suspicious bunny shaped footprints carefully, he suddenly heard Wallace crying for help.
[Help! Gromit, help me, hurry!],

P: Gromit hurried out to the backyard to check if Wallace was all right.
How silly, I am stuck in a hole!

P: Fortunately, nothing too bad had happened. Gromit quickly dug at the hole for Wallace to pull himself out.
Look! These footprints end beside the hole, it must lead us to the burglar, perhaps we can find the detector!

V: Without hesitating, Gromit jumped into the hole and he soon saw the detector beside a bunch of chocolate eggs and their cabbages, and a bunny that was hugging the sparkling golden egg tightly at his chest, he was staring horribly at Gromit. Just then, Wallace fell into the hole right between them.
“A Bunny! You are the burglar who stole our detector and vegetables last night, aren’t you? Gromit, let’s take him to the police.”

P: The bunny was frightened and broke into tears.
V: Wahh Wahh Im sorry for stealing it. I know did a bad thing. Please forgive me. I’ll hand over everything and also the golden egg. But please don’t take me to jail. wahh
Well...well...alright, we accept your apology. But do promise you won’t ever do it again! We’ll share the prize together since you found it with our detector.
V:oh yes i promise from the bottom of my heart

N: From that day forward the evil bunny turned out to be rather nice, he learnt to be generous and became friends with everyone in the town.

J: And you know what, Wallace and Gromit won a lifetime full of delicious cheese and crackers from that golden egg, and were now enjoying them on their cozy couch chilling with the daily newspaper which said
ALL: Morning post headline Wallace and Gromit the luckiest man and dog of the century.

新增時間 : 2016-02-01 12:58:23 / 修改時間 : 2016-03-08 09:01:54