Kaohsiung Biking Trip 高雄鐵馬單車一日遊
With a population of 1.5 million, Kaohsiung is Taiwan's second largest city, and also an industrial and shipping hub, responsible for over 70% of Taiwan's shipping freight volume.
Kaohsiung city is also a city in tranformation. Trying to shake off its shaky past as "the black lung" of Taiwan, it has been actively cleaning up its act and pursuing a diversification of its industries and reaching out into other sectors, such as tourism and high-tech industries.
Notoriously foul rivers have been cleaned, many trees planted, parks built and a facial make-up of the city implemented. It hosted the World Games 2009. Leisure activities is also one thing the city is now emphasizing on its residents (Taiwanese are workaholics), with many facilities built all over the city, biking one of them. So, how effective has this tranformation been?
We shall see:
所以這個脫便有沒有見效? 請看以下內容:
Event: Windosa Kaohsiung Bike Trip
Start Location: New Zuoing MRT Station
Finish Location: Cijin Island
Time: December, 26th, 2009 12:30 PM
Route: See Map
Helpful Website: http://pwbgis.kcg.gov.tw/bicycle/happytravel.aspx?index_no=1.2
Note: Bring at least NT$ 250, prepare own water, do not double ride, OBEY
organisers, watch out for traffic, enjoy!
ApplyNow: Send to donnyhsiao@msn.com(Donivan) or pOnkzz@hotmail.com(Rio)
活動: WINDOSA 高雄采風悠遊行
開始地點: 高雄新左營捷運站
終點: 旗津海灘
時間: 2009年12月26日 下午12:30
路線: 請參見以下地圖
好站分享: http://pwbgis.kcg.gov.tw/bicycle/happytravel.aspx?index_no=1.2
注意事項: 請攜帶約至少NT$250,準備自己飲水,不要併騎,遵守主辦人指示,注意交
Route Labelled in Red. 路線以紅色標記。約23KM
Author's note: the following descriptions will be written in English only. He cites laziness as the main reason. 注:以下內容將只以英文呈現,全部中英對照很累又很煩!
Lunch was eaten at a fast pace as we were already late for our starting time. We had intended to start at 1:00Pm, but by the time we started on our trip it was already thirty minutes past one. For those of you who will be joining us on our formal trip on the 26th, please know that we will be expending much energy during our trip, so eating an adequate amount of food is absolutely necessary prior to starting on the trip.
( Well-wishers taking a group picture and bidding us good luck. L>R, Me, Rio, Angela, Paula, and Betty.我們的加油團助我們好運。)
( The High Speed Rail and Zuoing MRT Station. 高鐵及左營捷運站)
(Rio surveys the road and pathway to take. Rio檢視路況及騎乘路線)
(A boulevard of green trees welcome us as we ride into the park. All plants here are indigenous to Taiwan. 一條綠廊迎接了我們的到來。這裡的所有植物都是台灣原生物種。)
( A large open green space is the perfect place for a picnic on such a fine day. 這塊遼闊的草地非常適合野餐。尤其當天天氣又那麼好。)
( Betty(L) and Rio(R) are exuberant with joy at discovering such a fantastic location to relax and be merry. Betty及Rio看到如此可以放鬆又愉快的地方,充滿著喜悅感。)
( Me(L) and Rio(R) taking a time-out to take a picture. Remember to wear a helmet like us, safety first! 我(左)跟Rio(右)休息片刻拍個照來留念。記得向我們一樣要戴安全帽,安全第一!)
( This is a glorious place to take pictures of bicycles lying down like this. My trustworthy bike is taking a nap lying down. 這是為腳踏車拍寫真集很棒的地方。我牢靠的腳踏車躺在地上打瞌睡。)
( The visitor centre-cum-restroom situated disctreetly between a group of trees. 遊客中心暨洗手間
(Lush green unkempt, therefore natural, forests all around us. This was like heaven when we were riding! 綠意盎然的樹木覆蓋了整個原生森林區。這裡好像天堂喔!)
(Rio riding in front, leading the pack. Rio騎在第一順位,帶領我們。)
(Betty with her face brimming with contentment riding through the park. 臉上充滿滿足感的Betty騎過森林區。)
( I envy the benches and the trees. They can watch the sunset everyday. 我好羨慕那條板凳和樹木。他們每天都可以看得到日落!)
( Two middle-aged fishers talked spiritedly as they tried their luck in catching fish. 兩位中年男子樂烈的講會,試圖要釣到魚為止。)
( The sharing of water is a commendable act. Remember to bring your own bottle of bottled water for your bicycle. 分享喝水是一個該讚許的行為。記得要帶自己的水來喔!)
( Some people relaxing under the shade of a tree near the banks of river, sipping tea 一些市井小民坐在岸邊享受好天氣!)
This is the bike we have got to rent for your trip. It is a wonderful bike, easy to ride and with comfortable seats這台腳踏車就是我們要租用的折疊車。很好騎又舒適,真是方便!)
( We rode a circle around the Pond, although I would say its big enough to be a pond, don't you?我們騎了一圈。為什麼不是湖而是潭啊?)
(This is the basic accessory to have on a mid to long-distance bike. Pouches, lights and timers are necessary. 這是中途道長途所需的基本配備之一:包包、手電筒、碼表都是必備品!)
(Betty and Rio posing in front of the main gates of the temple. Betty及Rio在孔廟前們合照)
(Rio on his bicycle, which was borrowed from my dear friend Doris. Thanks Doris!Rio在他的腳踏車上。腳踏車是跟我朋友Doris借的,謝謝Doris!)
(On the other side of the Pond, we come a across many large statues of traditional gods and dieties. There are literally hundreds of temples here on the Pond, as I mentioned before. 在潭的另一面我們遇到了很多有大神像的廟。蓮池潭這應該有上百座廟!)
(This is the bikeway we'll be taking. Isn't it pleasant and idyllic?我們要騎的單車道,不覺得很棒嗎?)
( This is one of the most well-known temples in Taiwan. It's called the Dragon and Tiger Pagoda. Yeah, you can walk into the mouth, it won't bite... 這是台灣最有名的廟之一,叫做「龍虎塔」。對,你可以走進它的嘴巴,不會咬...)
(An old busker singing a jazz tune under an old tree. He was very good and the Japanese tourists surrounding him cheered him on. 一位老的街頭藝人在老樹底下吹起一首爵士搖。它吹得很老,旁邊的日本遊客還常常給他拍手鼓勵)
(Some guys fishing, wanna go anyone(I've still got rods and equipment left over from South Africa? 一些中年男子在釣魚,誰要去釣魚啊?我還有從南非留下來的釣魚器具)
(We leave Lotus Pond through the main gates. The insigna in front of the gate is from the World Games held in Kaohsiung this year. 我們從門口再次的離開了蓮池潭。大門前面的標誌是今年世運的。)
( The predestrian walk on Bo-Ai Rd. 博愛路的人行道)
( The predestrian walk on Bo-Ai Rd. 博愛路的人行道)
( Me riding along this road. As you can see, I love wearing black, haha. 我騎著我的鐵馬。看看我多愛穿黑色,哈哈)
( Hanshin Department Store, one of the 10+ department stores(one too many, I think) in Kaohsiung City. 高雄的漢神巨蛋百貨公司。)
( Predestrians come out from the MRT Station. Going shopping I guess.. 行人走出捷運站,可能是去逛街吧)
( Foreign residents play some football on a school located on BoAiRoad. 一些外籍人士在博愛路的操場上踢足球)
( Me posing before the Kaohsiung Arena.我站在高雄巨蛋前)
(A normal narrow street/road in Taiwan. There are two things Taiwan has plenty of; scooters and
apartment buildings. )
(Street scene in BoAi Road. Notice the bicycle crossing sign on the lower-left corner. 博愛路的街景,注意左下方的單車專用標誌)
(A baskeball court along the road. 沿街的籃球場。)
( Don't you think its so special? A bench and a single tree in the middle of a large field. 不覺得很奇特嗎? 一坐板凳及一顆樹在一片大草地中央,其他東西都沒有)
(Me, Donivan Hsiao我)
(Rio(L) and Betty(R), were taking time out to rest. 休息片刻)
( A bridge spanning the river. It was built in the shape of a heart, hence its name. 一座橫跨水體的橋。為何叫「愛河之心」?因為形狀像愛心嘛!)
( Betty and Rio )
(One can take a tour ferry here, which will take you to the mouth of the river connecting with the sea. 可已在這搭「愛之船」到港邊看盡沿途風景)
(Betty(R) and Me, Donivan Hsiao)
Impressed? So are THEY!
" So come JOIN US!"
Let's GO!
( Rio and Betty riding off into the sunset. Rio 及Betty)
Why is it called the Love River?
There's no romantic or tragic Romeo-and-Juliet-ish tale to be told here, guys.
Orginally named the Benevolent Love River(仁愛和), it was a favorite dating spot among youngsters many decades back. That was before the general industrialization of Taiwan, back when wooden pulps were still transported to sea across this canal. After the industrialization of the 60s and 70s, lack of environmental concern turned this once beautiful river/canal into an industrial wasteland. People avoided it if possible. One year, a typhoon wrecked the city, and after the storm a reporter from the north came to Kaohsiung to report on the disaster. He saw a banner advertisement with a part torn, revealing 「愛河」(love river), therefore ostensibly thinking that was the name of the river. Lame right?
Cleanup efforts by subsequent mayors, especially widely-credited Frank Hsieh, who was the last presidential candidate, transformed this former shame into the new face of Kaohsiung. It is now an oasis harbouring diverse wildlife. People now jog, walk and chat beside this river. Fishes flow freely in its waters and people play water sports on its surface. Cafes are plenty and it is now the most famous tourist spot in Kaohsiung.
( The start of the 8-km long river. 愛河前的河段)
( Lush green foilage along its embankment. 綠意盎然的綠地在它的沿岸)
(Many residents take a leisurely ride along its banks. 很多市民愛悠閒的采風悠遊愛河)
( Betty can't wait to discover the spots along the river. And go to the toilet. Betty等不及欣賞美景。及去上廁所。。。)
( A tarmac-like substance makes this bike path an easy ride. 似柏油的鐵馬步道使得騎車容易)
( Flowers blooming along the sides. Couldn't resist to take this one.在旁邊的花朵,忍不住拍下來!)
"I've never seen L.R. so clean before! you can see right to the bottom, and there are fish swimming!我從沒看過愛河如此清澈,可以看到底部及魚群!"
(Does this scene look like it came out of a commercial? the serenity! 這景象好像從廣告出來得吧?)
( Gulls are a clear sign that there is life in the river海鷗很明顯的顯示水裡有生命)
(The sun is setting! We better ride fast! 太陽快下山了,要快騎!)
(River scene. See that yacht parked there in the background. Who said we Taiwanese don't know how to have fun and relax?)
( A bench fashioned out of wood where we take a rest. 用木材做得板凳格外的吸引人)
( Rio and Betty take a rest. Rio 及Betty休息片刻)
(Rio leading the pack. Rio騎在前頭)
( We turn here along the bridge to the other side. Notice the signage. 我們在這轉到彼岸,注意箭頭)
( River scene. We are at Love River now.河景。我們在愛河了)
( My bike under a sunset. Shimano Deore 24-speed, 7005 Aluminium, Suntour XCR shocks 日落的腳踏車,腳踏車規格: Deore 24速。其餘配備留言問我)
( A lot of riders, pro mixed with amateur, ride along this path. 無論專業或菜鳥騎者都愛騎這一段)
( Love River with Ambassador Hotel in the background愛河景象)
( Rio and Betty with Mounted Police. Rio,Betty及騎警)
(Rio and Love River. Rio及愛河)
(Me and Love River.我及愛河)
(Bikers, young and old. 騎車,老少閒宜)
( We reached True Love Pier, at the mouth of the the river and the sea. 我們到達了真愛碼頭。它位於愛河出海口。)
( The whole place is under construction, what for? 整個地方都在翻修,不知為什麼)
( Kaohsiung City高雄市)
(Only for bicycles! 只給單車騎!)
( The Bicycle School. What do they teach? nothing! but you can learn about cycling all around taiwan(free seminars) and free drinks and repair are also provided. 腳踏車學校。教甚麼?沒教甚麼!但是可以去裡面喝免費的水及免費修理。也有免費的講座。)
(The interior of the Bicycle School. 腳踏車學校的內部。)
( A mini conference taking place! 迷你會議,真不可思議!)
(Antique bikes. 骨董車)
(Public Art. 公共藝術)
(Bike Paths 單車步道)
(Ships under sunset at the Fisherman's Wharf 漁人碼頭旁的船隻)
(A predestrian bridge to the other side where we will take our ferry. 一座人行橋,我們要去彼岸坐船)
( My bike on the brdige. 我的單車及橋)
( Getting on the ferry. 上床)
( A container ship leaves port. The "O" sign is a signal to the boat that its okay to pass. Notice the lighthouse at the top of the hill. 一輛貨輪離港。那個"O"是標誌給傳說可以離港了。注意山丘上的燈塔。)
( The shopping area on Cijin is packed. So we have to be careful as we are travelling in a large group. 旗津的逛街區假日人擠人,因此我們要格外小心,因為我們是一大團人。)
(Curious tourists and visitors好奇的遊客)
(Betty and Rio)
WINDOSA Official Survey 場勘記
It's hard to believe that its been almost 6 months since I've last been able to touch my blogger
account. Judging by all the spam comments I've been getting(weirdly all Japanese, see for yourself), it also needs some help in the maintenance section. What, you might ask, spurred me to start reactivating the blogger bug deep within me? What would entice me enough to start dusting off my keyboard(figuratively, of course) and laboriously -really!- start cherry-picking photos from the hundreds and hundreds ( 573, ask Rio!) I took for this post?
Sorry to disappoint. It did not come from the poetic side of me (Read my previous posts, ha), nor the moody one, but rather official business. My dear friend Sabina Satriyani, an international student at our school from Jakarta, Indonesia, is the president of WINDOSA, an acronym for Wenzao Indonesian Student's Association. She endorsed an event I proposed for her club( I'm a member), and henceforth this post, which documents a survey trip me and fellow organisers took on a sunny Saturday to hone out the intricate details for the planned trip,
which will take place on December 26th, 2009.

- Starting from the rear entrance of our school, we chanced upon Sabina, Windosa President and her entourage of fellow Indonesian students. With their blessings, we started on our "epic" journey, delving into the haze of scooters and car exhaust that plague the streets around Wenzao.
- After 30 minutes or so, we arrive at the High Speed Rail Station in Zuoing District. This is the place we we are going to start and also the place where we get to rent our bicycles. From here on, there are dedicated bike paths all through the journey, so we are very safe.
- We take a shortcut and soon arrive at our first destination, the Indigenous Botanical Gardens. The smell of dew, fresh-cut grass and the fragrance of the trees wafts throught the air around us as we ride through this amazing park. Man-made mini hills and ponds sit serene as bicycle tyres whiz past, its occupants exhaling with joy the fresh air that permeates this rare retreat from the huzz and buzz of the city streets to the side.
- After we pass through the Indigenous garden, we come across an indigenous forest section and we were astounded by the well-maintained forests. We felt as if we were surrounded by nature at its purest. Birds chirped around us and I have even seen one squirrel or two!There are very few people at this time of the hour(2PM) so we have the whole place to us to discover and survey. The brick paths here are more tougher to ride so we had to be careful for twigs and other larger obstacles on the ground and in the air-squirrel poop, anyone?- falling down on us.
- Then we arrive at Kaohsiung's famed Lotus Pond. Being a very positive place for feng shui and other traditional practices, it features over 40 temples along the banks of the pond. Benches and tables are set alongside the embankment we observed as we take a rest. Songs and chants blare out from some of the temples as we ride past, thinking of all the care and preservation to maitain all the structures alongside Lotus Pond.
- We arrive at the gates of the Confucious Temple located within the vicinity of Lotus Pond. It is a big temple built in the classical northern style architecture (I think), and looks like a mini palace (though not lavish enough) rather than a temple. If you are into Confucious, then the place is worth a visit.
- We ride to Bo-Ai Road(博愛路). Most of you might know this road from the Kaohsiung Arena and the adjoining Hanshin Department Store. Its a beautiful, modern and busy thoroughfare that leads to the CBD. Luckily for us, there are bike paths here too! so we don't have to worry about traffic, only human traffic maybe, LOL!
- We come to our next destination, the Heart of Love River. This venue one numerous accolades after it was completed. At night its lighted up and casts a very romantic atmosphere over the whole place(As you can see in my Facebook album
). 我們來到了下一個景點,愛河之心。這公共建設完成之後贏得了許多建築大獎。晚上時會點亮並且非常浪漫,可以在我的Facebook (donivan hsiao) 觀看相簿。
- We turn right and head for the ferry station. The bike paths here have a unique history: In the bygone years, this place was full of warehouses the stocked sugar and other commodities for export. Taiwan doesn't export these things anymore, therefore this place fell into dereliction and urban decay before the government set out to rejuvenate the surrounding areas. The bike paths were orginially rail tracks that were converted to bike paths.
- Ferry Pier: We arrive at the ferry pier where we are going to take a ferry to Cijin Island, a 5-minute journey. It costs NT$15, so remember to bring some spare change with you. 記得帶零錢,需要NT15元。
