Jan 3rd 2012
Dear Diary,
Had a French oral test today, we had to read a poem to the French teacher twice. Here it is: [Docteur, docteur. VIens vite, ma fleur se meurt. Elle etait jeune encore. Portant, elle a perdue ses couleurs. Est-ce la chaleur? Elle n'a plus d'odeur. Docteur, docteur. VIens vite, ma fleur se meurt.] Claude then said i was perfect for both the times reading it :))
We had a test for Math today, didn't really study it so i guess i won't get even a 40 :P
Felt so lonely today...cause i thought Trista was gonna talk to me or sth today but she didn't...didn't really even wanna gimmie a glance! Like what i told her yesterday about me "not much of a talker" then shez not gonna hang around me? Thatz just kinda sad...I just can't hang around Joyce...I don't even talk to her you know?? I barely even talk to her....
Anywayz Johnny called today and we're gonna hang on Friday at lunch, sneak out at noon...damn! Feel like itz a really bad idea!! But i think i am gonna try anywayz...therez not much of a choice...i need him :P
Had a French oral test today, we had to read a poem to the French teacher twice. Here it is: [Docteur, docteur. VIens vite, ma fleur se meurt. Elle etait jeune encore. Portant, elle a perdue ses couleurs. Est-ce la chaleur? Elle n'a plus d'odeur. Docteur, docteur. VIens vite, ma fleur se meurt.] Claude then said i was perfect for both the times reading it :))
We had a test for Math today, didn't really study it so i guess i won't get even a 40 :P
Felt so lonely today...cause i thought Trista was gonna talk to me or sth today but she didn't...didn't really even wanna gimmie a glance! Like what i told her yesterday about me "not much of a talker" then shez not gonna hang around me? Thatz just kinda sad...I just can't hang around Joyce...I don't even talk to her you know?? I barely even talk to her....
Anywayz Johnny called today and we're gonna hang on Friday at lunch, sneak out at noon...damn! Feel like itz a really bad idea!! But i think i am gonna try anywayz...therez not much of a choice...i need him :P