Week 13, notes and HW
人口規模: 一地的人口規模受到了,”生育 死亡 遷移”等因素影響段不斷變動,但一般而言是持續增加的!
人口密度算法: 一地人口數/一地面積(平方公里)
推拉力: 形成遷入遷出的原因。
人口成長: “出生率”,”死亡率” 是影響人口成長最重要的因素,基本上人口數是不斷成長。
人口老化: 在一個國家老人若佔百分之7的人口總數,此國籍為高齡化國家!
問題二: 人口普查的用途?
The government needs to know the population of the country in order to govern it. In the most basic example, representation in congress is based on the population of each state. If you don't know the population of each state, you can't represent them fairly. Knowing the demographics of each area also helps plan things like school funding, planning for social security, and determining healthcare needs. The Constitution actually requires counting the population; it's not a conspiracy.
問題五: 影響人口分布的因素?
Geographic factors that influence population distribution are mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans, areas prone to flooding, availability of fresh water, altitude, deserts, valleys, geographic isolation/location & climate.
問題 八:人口遷移 的「推、拉力」的例子 ?
Push and pull factors are those factors which either forcefully push people into migration or attract them. A push factor is forceful, and a factor which relates to the country from which a person migrates. It is generally some problem which results in people wanting to migrate. Different types of push factors can be seen further below. A push factor is a flaw or distress that drives a person away from a certain place. A pull factor is something concerning the country to which a person migrates. It is generally a benefit that attracts people to a certain place.
{Push Factors}
Not enough jobs
Political fear/persecution
Poor medical care
Loss of wealth
Natural Disasters
Death threats
Poor housing
{Pull Factors}
Job opportunities
Better living conditions
Political and/or religious freedom
Better medical care
Family links
問題三: 影響台灣人口成長 的因素?
The birth rates and death rates
五: 影響人口性別比例的因素?
-Job positions
-Growth in resources (schools, homes etc.)
-Climate can be a factor sometimes
-Food production
問題七: 人口老化的問題?
An ageing population is where the ratio of elderly dependants (old people) to the economically active (adults with jobs) is increased.
The problems are:
-- the economically active population has to support a growing elderly dependent population.
-- As people get older, they need more and more healthcare, so,
-- There is increased strain on the health service and other services.
-- More people are drawing money from the state than are actively paying into it.
-- There are fewer people willing to do the unpleasant jobs associated with working with the elderly, ex: working in a care home, but more elderly people so these jobs are needed more.
人口規模: 一地的人口規模受到了,”生育 死亡 遷移”等因素影響段不斷變動,但一般而言是持續增加的!
人口密度算法: 一地人口數/一地面積(平方公里)
推拉力: 形成遷入遷出的原因。
人口成長: “出生率”,”死亡率” 是影響人口成長最重要的因素,基本上人口數是不斷成長。
人口老化: 在一個國家老人若佔百分之7的人口總數,此國籍為高齡化國家!
問題二: 人口普查的用途?
The government needs to know the population of the country in order to govern it. In the most basic example, representation in congress is based on the population of each state. If you don't know the population of each state, you can't represent them fairly. Knowing the demographics of each area also helps plan things like school funding, planning for social security, and determining healthcare needs. The Constitution actually requires counting the population; it's not a conspiracy.
問題五: 影響人口分布的因素?
Geographic factors that influence population distribution are mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans, areas prone to flooding, availability of fresh water, altitude, deserts, valleys, geographic isolation/location & climate.
問題 八:人口遷移 的「推、拉力」的例子 ?
Push and pull factors are those factors which either forcefully push people into migration or attract them. A push factor is forceful, and a factor which relates to the country from which a person migrates. It is generally some problem which results in people wanting to migrate. Different types of push factors can be seen further below. A push factor is a flaw or distress that drives a person away from a certain place. A pull factor is something concerning the country to which a person migrates. It is generally a benefit that attracts people to a certain place.
{Push Factors}
Not enough jobs
Political fear/persecution
Poor medical care
Loss of wealth
Natural Disasters
Death threats
Poor housing
{Pull Factors}
Job opportunities
Better living conditions
Political and/or religious freedom
Better medical care
Family links
問題三: 影響台灣人口成長 的因素?
The birth rates and death rates
五: 影響人口性別比例的因素?
-Job positions
-Growth in resources (schools, homes etc.)
-Climate can be a factor sometimes
-Food production
問題七: 人口老化的問題?
An ageing population is where the ratio of elderly dependants (old people) to the economically active (adults with jobs) is increased.
The problems are:
-- the economically active population has to support a growing elderly dependent population.
-- As people get older, they need more and more healthcare, so,
-- There is increased strain on the health service and other services.
-- More people are drawing money from the state than are actively paying into it.
-- There are fewer people willing to do the unpleasant jobs associated with working with the elderly, ex: working in a care home, but more elderly people so these jobs are needed more.