living on a prayer
邊聽著living on a prayer 邊看著歌詞 聽完後 我超感動的啦!!
Tommy used to work on the docks (湯米是個碼頭工人)
Union's been on strike (不過最近工會在搞罷工)
He's down on his luck (所以他就沒有工作了)
It's tough, so tough (苦,很苦)
Gina works at a diner all day (吉娜在餐廳作服務生)
Working for her man (她每天努力工作)
She brings home her pay (好維持兩個人的生活)
For love, for love (因為,她很愛他)
She says (她說&hellip)
We've gotta hold on to what we've got (我們擁有的不多,但是,我們一定要撐下去)
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not (不要氣餒啊,人生,本來就應該和另一半同甘共苦)
We've got each other (現在,我們在一起)
And that's a lot (這樣就夠了!)
For love, we'll give it a shot (為了愛,我們不會放棄)
Oh, they're halfway there (對!這樣就對啦,你們已經踏上對的路)
Oh, living on a prayer (你們要作的就是努力,保持信念)
Take my hand (牽著我的手)
We'll make it I swear (我發誓,一切都會好轉)
Oh, living on a prayer (每天祈禱,相信自己)
Tommy's got his six-string in hock (情況變得更糟了,湯米只好賣掉他的吉他)
Now he's holding in when he used to make it talk (現在,他也不再安慰吉娜)
So tough, it's tough (很苦,真的很苦)
Gina dreams of running away (吉娜想要離家出走)
She cries in the night (她只能在晚上偷哭)
Tommy whispers 'baby it's okay, someday...' (『沒關係的親愛的,有一天會沒事&hellip&hellip』湯米,也漸漸沒把握了)
We've gotta hold on to what we've got (『我們也許什麼都沒有,但是我們愛對方&hellip』)
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not (所以,其他的事情都不重要)
We've got each other (我們能在一起)
And that's a lot (這樣就夠了)
For love, we'll give it a shot (愛,是一生的堅持)
Oh, they're halfway there (沒錯,這樣作就對了)
Oh, living on a prayer (保持信念,相信上帝吧)
Take my hand (牽緊我)
We'll make it I swear (我們會渡過難關的,我保証)
Oh, living on a prayer (再苦的事情都會過去)
Living on a prayer (只要你相信)
