School Hour in Taiwan
Compare with other countries, school hours in Taiwan is long. Students here spend a lot of time staying at school with classmates and teachers. The school hours take so many time that students cannot help but give up somethings as important as learning.
Students go to school and stay long time to gain new knowledge. Each Student stays at school for 8 hours on average. School hour will increase by degrees when they enter a higher school because they have more things to learn. They learn school subjects like math, reading, science, etc. These subjects are considered important, so people make students take long time to stay at school learning them according to legal provision. Take this as an advantage, students keep learning and practicing along with teachers. It should probably give good effect for students, and they can really learn something. By rights, when the school hour is extended, students should be able to learn more.
However, there is one big problem we should consider is that most of students are in growing stage. Due to they are still growing, they are much more active than adults. Therefore, they need to do more exercise to help their body grow. Long school hour limits them in the classrooms learning the school subjects, and only gives them ten minutes for a break. Everyone knows that ten minutes is definitely not enough for exercising.
In addition, students are usually sent to cram school after school. Parents worry about their children would not understand the class at school and send them to the cram school for extra lessons. As a result, the time that the students really off school is at about 8 p.m. or even later. They hardly have free time to do things except school subjects. Besides school stuff, there must be somethings that students want to do, such as learning an instrument, joining clubs, or just playing ball games with friends. Nevertheless, these activities cannot be started from 8 p.m. How about tomorrow? Tomorrow is the same that students have no free time during the school days.
In this highly competitive society, self-enrichment is important. I am completely agree with that learning is necessary. However, long school hours cannot guarantee a good way of learning. Students can still keep learning in their free time and in their different ways. Moreover, they can also get good results. In short, though learning is important for students, living still cannot be ignored.
Students go to school and stay long time to gain new knowledge. Each Student stays at school for 8 hours on average. School hour will increase by degrees when they enter a higher school because they have more things to learn. They learn school subjects like math, reading, science, etc. These subjects are considered important, so people make students take long time to stay at school learning them according to legal provision. Take this as an advantage, students keep learning and practicing along with teachers. It should probably give good effect for students, and they can really learn something. By rights, when the school hour is extended, students should be able to learn more.
However, there is one big problem we should consider is that most of students are in growing stage. Due to they are still growing, they are much more active than adults. Therefore, they need to do more exercise to help their body grow. Long school hour limits them in the classrooms learning the school subjects, and only gives them ten minutes for a break. Everyone knows that ten minutes is definitely not enough for exercising.
In addition, students are usually sent to cram school after school. Parents worry about their children would not understand the class at school and send them to the cram school for extra lessons. As a result, the time that the students really off school is at about 8 p.m. or even later. They hardly have free time to do things except school subjects. Besides school stuff, there must be somethings that students want to do, such as learning an instrument, joining clubs, or just playing ball games with friends. Nevertheless, these activities cannot be started from 8 p.m. How about tomorrow? Tomorrow is the same that students have no free time during the school days.
In this highly competitive society, self-enrichment is important. I am completely agree with that learning is necessary. However, long school hours cannot guarantee a good way of learning. Students can still keep learning in their free time and in their different ways. Moreover, they can also get good results. In short, though learning is important for students, living still cannot be ignored.