
2019-10-20 14:27:43

Human eyes facts

Do you know when we were born we were color blind then it developed rapidly in 3-5 months and 4 to 13 weeks later Produced tears. about the eye color that every individual in this world having blue eyes have only one common ancestor. The first ever person with blue eyes lived about 10,000 years ago. It was then that every human had only brown eyes. The eyes are capable of focusing at 50+ things at any given second.
Actually Humans don’t really use their eyes to see. It is the brain! Poor vision, blurry vision etc. are all results of technical problems in brain‘s visual cortex,and the eyes have fastest lens known to mankind. They are way faster than any known camera lens,and they blink 17 times every minute on an average,this sums up to 14,280 blinks each day and 5.2 million blinks every year,so eye muscles are the fastest muscles in human body.
Then eyes blink less when reading and more when talking.
There are no blood vessels present in cornea making it the only living tissue in human body without blood vessels and no one in this world can sneeze without closing eyes.
