
✩Cih-Rong Huang✰

short presentation for only 30 minutes preparation

It's not a long presentation, because we only have 30 minutes to prepare.
While walking in the library, we came across the book "Malala Yousafzai" and "Leadership insights." Both of the book made us recall the speech of AIESEC - LED. L means leadership. E signifies enterpreneurship, and D implies to dream. We considered Malala as a woman with LED.
From the dream part, she done a remarkable work. She not only wanted to change women's education but also took action. Her courage to offend Taliban was absolutely valorous. We should really follow our dream and listen to our heart no matter how difficult it will be. Enterpreneurship is not just about business or something about money. It's a kind of attitute to change. We think that she got the ability as well. As for leadership, we particularly like a sentance in the book, "Management is about coping wih complexity, leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change." It's pretty similar to what the speaker defined the word in the speech -- the ability to change people. We really like he term "lollipop moment." It means that we can change others' mind or even theirs lives in just by doing something small. From our perspective, Malala is literally an outstanding leader. We hope her life will shine as bright as a LED.

新增時間 : 2013-11-29 22:42:31 / 修改時間 : 2013-11-30 12:08:17

