
Book Report (Secret Daughter)

Secret Daughter
Shilpi Somaya Gowda

Jasu and Kavita were a poor couple from India. They needed a boy to help them in the fields. Unfortunately, the first baby Kavita gave birth to was a girl. The baby girl was killed right after she was born. After a while, Kavita was pregnant again. And again, it was a girl who was given the name Usha. In order to save the Usha’s life, Kavita took the baby to the orphanage without telling his husband. It was surely difficult for a mother. At last, Kavita gave birth to a boy at her third pregnancy.
The little boy, Vijay, did help a lot in the fields, but the harvest was poor. The family decided to move to the city, expecting better fortune. However, they were out of work for several months and had to live in the slum. Luckily, Jasu got a job in a factory, and they were able to move to a place more like a home.
Good time didn’t last long, the factory closed down after a few years and it took months before Jasu got another job. Two years later, Jasu injured his right hand at the factory, and the family had to face the financial problem again. Just then, Vijay started to bring large amounts of money home. The family moved to a high-class apartment.
Just when Jasu and Kavita were enjoying a wonderful life, they discovered that Vijay was mixed up with a gang. Since then, Jasu started to have nightmares, because he was disappointed at Vijay, and actually ashamed of what he did to his two daughters before Vijay.

Krishnan was from India, who studied in a medical school in America. He married his classmate, Somer, and they both became doctors. They wanted to have a child, but it was difficult for Somer to become pregnant. Therefore, they went to India and adopted a baby girl, Asha (=Usha).
Somer felt very uncomfortable during the weeks in India. When she noticed how well Krishnan and Asha get along, she felt left out. In the meantime, her relationship with Krishnan also became worse. She was afraid of losing Asha, so she always kept Asha by her side. This just made Asha want to leave.
Finally Asha left for India to do a project about slums for a year. She also searched for her birth parents, Jasu and Kavita, and noticed how her mother loved her. Coincidentally, Jasu and Kavita had left for their hometown when Asha finally arrived at their house. Asha then left a letter for them in the orphanage.
While Asha was in India, Krishnan and Somer restored their relationship. When Krishnan’s father passed away, Somer offered to fly to India with him. This time, things went well in India for Somer. Most of all the family was united again. In the end the three of them happily went back to America to start a new life.

A few years later, Kavita got sick. She was still worrying about her secret daughter Usha. In order to comfort Kavita, Jasu went to the orphanage to find out what had happened to Usha. He was surprised to get the letter from her. Both Kavita and Jasu were glad that Usha was brought up by two doctors, and they were proud of their daughter who became a successful journalist.

This is a touching story about motherhoods. Mothers’ love is eternal. But it is easy for us to get tired of their daily care, so it is important to cherish it. In this book, I can easily feel the characters emotions by the delicate writing techniques. I almost cried in several scenes because of the fine description. This book was not written in a straightforward way. That’s why the author could put that much feeling in it. I really recommend this book to everyone.

新增時間 : 2013-11-23 14:50:24