
Journal (A Class Reunion)

A Class Reunion

It is always the best idea to take parents’ advice, but I didn’t noticed it until a terrible experience. Last summer vacation, a classmate from my junior high school held a class reunion. My parents let me go and asked me to come home by nine pm. I thought that was too early but still agreed reluctantly. I took the MRT for forty minutes with my best friend to the appointed restaurant and had a great time there. We drew lots and I was responsible for our next reunion. Time past quickly but no one seems to want to go home. I kept telling myself, “I’ll just stay for another few minutes. We won’t stay too late because our teacher is here and my best friend is sensible.” At last, my teacher left and I suggested that it’s time to go home. However, my best friend said that she was going through a family crisis and that she didn’t want to go home that early. That’s why she kept chatting and chatting which is so unlike her. I wasn’t so pleased with that because I had to go home by myself and it was nearly nine o’ clock. Even worse, I wore a pair of new shoes which made my feet hurt and I had to walk very slowly. When I finally got back to the MRT station near my house, I missed a bus and waited for almost half an hour. I got home at around ten thirty and my parents were really angry. I didn’t tell them how I missed the bus and how my feet hurt because I knew no way they would believe me. Luckily, I acted innocent enough, so my parents didn’t blame me much. However, I haven’t got guts to tell my parents I am the hostess for the reunion next time. All I can do now is to be a perfect daughter and to win their trust again, but I still can’t stop feeling stupid about the whole thing.

新增時間 : 2013-11-23 15:06:31